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phpMyAdmin Database Repair and Optimization Tutorial

How to repair and optimize MySQL databases​

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to repair and optimize your MySQL databases through phpMyAdmin. It's advisable to perform these operations periodically.

If a database table or tables become corrupt, the application that uses these database tables won't be able to access them. Usually, this can be fixed with the Repair function. You can perform it through phpMyAdmin.

To access phpMyAdmin, log in to the Pixie control panel, go to the Databases section and click on the phpMyAdmin link on the right. This will open phpMyAdmin. In the left frame, you'll see listed the databases that you have created. Click on the name of the database that you want to repair. After you do it you'll see the tables of this database displayed in the right frame. Mark the checkboxes in front of the names of the tables, or if you want to repair all the tables just click on Check All at the bottom of the page, and from the With selected drop-down menu at the bottom select Repair table:

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Then to execute the Optimize Table query click on the Go button in the lower right corner.

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