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Why Is The Web Cache Important?


Staff member
May 19, 2021
Reaction score
Google loves websites that are loading fast and rank them better than the slow-loading ones. There is a reason for that. Slow pages turn off users. The perceived load time can vary but you know when the page loads horribly slow. How often do you click off the page right away if you have to wait for it to load? You’re not the only one who does that. In fact, that’s the norm, which is why Google gives preferential treatment to the websites that are fast to load and thus create a better user experience.

There is something you should know if you run a CMS (Content Management System) or an E-commerce website. You are using lots of dynamic content which can be hard to render in visitors’ browsers because it requires many technologies to get it there. WordPress websites are mainly using a Webserver plus a PHP Framework and a backend, such as a MySQL server. Each piece in this puzzle depends on the next one to load completely and therefore increasing the overall load time of the page. To make this statement more simple, I would say, it’s better to have static content rather than dynamic one for your website to load fast. When you have static content then only the webserver is in question in terms of load speed and bandwidth throttle for your page.

Now, how do we turn the dynamic content into a static one? This is where the caching kicks in and does the magic. Having a good caching system is vital nowadays. It serves static web content such as HTML, JavaScript, images to reduce bandwidth usage, server load time, and perceived lag.

But wait, what if I run a blog or a forum and people are commenting on my page and that changes very often. How can this be a static page? The answer is: it is a static page, and it isn’t. When caching is involved in Web 2.0 you should have a purge mechanism that clears the cache and serves the page in its normal way. Then it goes into cache again and so on and so forth.

There are many caching solutions on the market today, some open-source, some commercial. There is no one-fits-all solution. It really depends on your web application and the technologies behind it.

Luckily, there is a way to not get overwhelmed with this. Ecowebzim.com can assist you to better optimize your application and web server to minimize the load time. We take this seriously and apply our knowledge to better tune and configure all the pieces in the chain starting from the web server layer down to the backend.

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